The Search for Calliope and Clio


Dear Friend,

The Creative Muses eluded me this week, so I’m focused on what’s exciting! 

Herewith, my Exciting List:

  1. HAMILTON! Period. Exclamation point. Repeat.

  2. SEX AND VANITY. More about the crazy rich from the author of “Crazy Rich Asians”. 

    Take me away, pao pao yu.

  3. A DIFFERENT 4TH OF JULY. Independence Day is complicated. Here’s how to better understand its history through this series of mini-essays.

Until the Muses reveal themselves again, here are 3 new LookBooks from my Storefront to inspire you get dressed:

Reach out to me directly about questions, how to order, sizes, colors and curating a custom digital dressing room just for you!

While we’re on the topic of muses, take a look at 73 Questions with Alicia Keys by Vogue. Everything about her is revolutionary and creative - truly a new definition of independence.

May your Muse be evergreen!

Yours in safety, health and fashion,